
Day’s Verse:

“Peace I leave with you; My peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Do not let your heart be troubled, nor let it be fearful.”

John 14:27


Not to sound panicky, but in looking forward to Christmas I’ve managed to overlook the hurdles directly in front of me, namely, final exams. With two Calculus tests and a significant portion of my grade still in the balance for both classes, the next three weeks will prove crucial in the grade-earning department. Today my professor told us that by next Friday we should have all our homework done. I looked at a calendar and realized he said that because the next Tuesday after that, Dec. 14, our final exam will be held from 7 – 9 PM.

I barely squeaked by the last final exam’s Basic Skills section with copious studying. Integrals are more difficult for me to understand (or is it just the professor’s language skills?). So while I might prefer to blog that wildly confusing Calculus continues to lurk back there. The picture is one problem that has plagued me for a while now; don’t hesitate to let me know if you can solve this in a straighforward manner. Our TA certainly cannot.

– KF –

14 thoughts on “Cool like a Calculus Cucumber

  1. Take the volume of this tub, and times how much work it takes to lift a cubic foot of water five feet (since 1 cc = 1 litre of water has some particular mass)

    Which reminds me, FEET!? We use the Metric System!!!

  2. Take the volume of this tub, and times how much work it takes to lift a cubic foot of water five feet (since 1 cc = 1 litre of water has some particular mass)

    Which reminds me, FEET!? We use the Metric System!!!

  3. I know; I know! Nobody told the math book, apparently, cause almost everything is in feet/inches/pounds/etc. Give me multiples of 10 or give me death!

  4. I know; I know! Nobody told the math book, apparently, cause almost everything is in feet/inches/pounds/etc. Give me multiples of 10 or give me death!

  5. I used to think the rest of the world was highly pretentious for having different units than the loud proud US of A. Then I used metrics. Now, I wonder why we’re so damn backwards.

    We can keep MPH, but everything else has to go.

  6. I used to think the rest of the world was highly pretentious for having different units than the loud proud US of A. Then I used metrics. Now, I wonder why we’re so damn backwards.

    We can keep MPH, but everything else has to go.

  7. This question has been explained 4 times in my math conference now, and a student asked for the prof to do it in class today. I wanted to smack him, because it’s actually fairly obvious how to set up the integral…solving is an entirely different matter, though.

  8. This question has been explained 4 times in my math conference now, and a student asked for the prof to do it in class today. I wanted to smack him, because it’s actually fairly obvious how to set up the integral…solving is an entirely different matter, though.

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