Day’s Verse:
Pursue peace with all men, and the sanctification without which no one will see the Lord.
Hebrews 12:14

Why is sometimes it merciful to kill dogs but not people?

Mom bought us the coolest spatula ever. And before you say otherwise, it’s made of silicone and is heat resistant up to 500°. So before you laugh at me for being really excited about a spatula, think of this: I could bake it in the oven with our dinners and it’d be just fine. Try that with your spatula. I dare you.

– KF –

2 thoughts on “That Thing…And That Other Thing!

  1. In regards to your question…I have no idea. This is why I think there are times when it is merciful to kill people (i.e. they are suffering and have no chance of recovery). Animals are put down when they’re dying…I don’t see why it’s such a big deal if it’s a person instead.

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