Recipe for an Amazing Morning

1 Toddler
1 Mommy
1 Nana
1 Car

Combine all ingredients between 7:00 and 7:30 am. Drive to Kenmore Air Harbor. Observe activity for 30 to 60 minutes, or until bored.

Yes, that is a fork lift carrying a sea plane.




This is a vintage 1924 float plane, the only one of this type in the world still flying.






When bored, walk 1/4 mile to Cemex factory. Find safe place to observe cement trucks.


When thoroughly chilled, return to air harbor, use bathroom and warm up. Observe mechanics repairing planes. Watch out: Toddler will likely start getting very hungry, and express this problem vehemently. Continue Reading >>

Ah, yes, irony


Can you make out the little sign there past the rear of that pickup truck? Oh, you can’t read it, you say?

Here, let me zoom in.


In case you  still cannot read it, this sign clearly asks people not to park in front of mail boxes. Exactly as the pickup truck did. We’ll give him the benefit of the doubt: Maybe the truck left before the mailman comes. Still, we don’t exactly live in an inner city with cutthroat parking competition. Plenty of space on the street.

In other news, a picture of our son, a budding Calvin: Continue Reading >>

Snuggles With Nana and Other Good Times


Benji has been more cuddly and a little less exploratory lately. This suits my mom just fine, as baby cuddles are about the nicest cuddles out there. Mom came and took care of Benji and me both Thursday and Friday this week, as I struggled to head off an incipient mastitis infection and recouped from a totally sleepless night. I am deeply grateful for her help this week, which enabled me to pump and rest assiduously; and, really, I’m grateful for all the help we get from our families, who give us sanity time. It’s such a huge gift I can’t even express my thankfulness. Continue Reading >>